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 Your one stop shop for all things NABU

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The NABU Computer 


(Short for Natural Access to Bi-directional Utilities)

A Quick Overview!

  • Origin: was a pioneering home computer system  founded in Ottawa, Canada, the NABU Computer aimed to connect families and businesses on a worldwide network. It was first released in 1982.
  • Connection: Families and schools used cable TV modems to link NABU PCs to a country-wide network.
  • Functionality: The NABU PC was ahead of its time, often described as the “internet before the internet.” Although it wasn’t commercially successful, it allowed users to download software and information content through the cable feed.
  • Unique Feature: Unlike other consoles of that era, the NABU PC could download its operating system (IOS) from servers over the television cable connection. This enabled real-time bug fixes, updates, and new software.

Learn more

Quick Links for The NABU

Windows Mac & Linux 

DJ's Adapter Software -

Rudy's Retro Intel 
NABU Repair

Rudy's Repair Manual -

JAVA Adaptor 
for use on vintage computers

RetroTech Chris' Adapter -

NABU Canada

DJ's Website

Count Down to VCF-MidWest 2024

The Original 
NABU Network

Network Discord